IMMIGRATION AGENT: Good afternoon. May I see your passport please? YOU: Yes, here it is, and here's my visa. IMMIGRATION AGENT: Thank you. You have a tourist visa for three months. YOU: Yes, that's right. I plan to travel some in the U.S. IMMIGRATION AGENT: Where are you going? YOU: I'm going to spend some time in Atlanta. After that, I'm going to Washington, Chicago, and California. IMMIGRATION AGENT: All right. Enjoy your stay! NARRATOR: The Immigration Agent gives you a card. NARRATOR (Cont'd.): You must now go through U.S. Customs with your luggage which you pick up in the Baggage Claim area. NARRATOR (Cont'd.): You present the card the Immigration Agent gave you. NARRATOR (Cont'd.): The Customs Agent smiles and says: CUSTOMS AGENT: Hi! Anything to declare? YOU: Excuse me? I don't understand. CUSTOMS AGENT: Do you have any valuables or alcohol to declare? YOU: No, nothing at all. CUSTOMS AGENT: O.K. You can go ahead. YOU: Thank you.